Luca Trazzi: Passionate Programmer with a Superpower

Geschrieben von Damaris Oesch | 28. Oktober 2021

Luca Trazzi  is part of the GARAIO team in Chiasso and has a passion for coding. In our interview, you have the chance to get to know him and learn about his special superpower.

What is your superpower?

I am a 100 percent deaf guy – but thanks to a a cochlear implant I don’t have trouble hearing in normal workspaces, I only sometimes struggle with phone calls when I’m in a noisy place. Said this, I obviously have many superpowers, the best one is that I can stay in open spaces and don’t be disturbed at all.

Did you have a dream job as a child?

When I was little, I wanted to be a chef. I love eating Italian food and dreamed of having my own restaurant. But that dream faded quickly once I got my hands on a computer. Today, I don’t cook much at home, but I still enjoy a well-prepared meal.

What fascinates you about computers and about tech in general?

When I was 14 years old, I started to get into the tech world and was hooked instantly. Today, I couldn’t imagine doing something else – I must work with computers, it makes me happy. Additionally, it’s also what I’m best at.

I’m truly fascinated by the infinite possibilities this tech world offers to me. I believe that there is no limit on what you can do with code. That continuous to blow my mind and motivates me for my daily tasks. The only limitation is our mind, otherwise, anything is possible.

I also really like the artistic side of code. It’s not only about delivering a solution that will make our customers happy, but also about the insanely creative process that stands behind every project. That process looks different every time and offers me a lot of creative freedom.

How did you end up working for GARAIO?

Five years ago, I wanted to try something new and was on the lookout for a new challenge. The job interviews were really cool and since then, I’ve been more than happy to be a part of this company. They believe in my spirit and in my skills.

What have you learned by working at GARAIO?

I’m a lead developer and thus have a lot of freedom to express my skills. Additional to the technical side of my job and the progress I make there, I have especially grown a lot in communication. That’s something I didn’t do previously. Here at GARAIO, I can coach younger people and have learned to value the communication with my team members more. I also love reading books on engineering and always strive to become a better developer.

How does the cooperation between Chiasso and Bern look like in real life?

For me, that’s no challenge at all. I have perfect relationships with people in Bern. We work and laugh together, it’s not only a professional relationship I have with some employees in Bern but also a personal connection.

Explain your job to a child.

Think about something you are sure that’s impossible. With software, you can create that!

Do you have daily routines?

Because I have two little children at home, my day is mostly structured around their needs and my work. Two days a week, I work at the office, the rest of my days I work at home and really enjoy the freedom that this new way of work offers.

What are some of the challenges you face daily?

When I think about software, I cannot think about problems – there is nothing complicated about software and programming. The difficult part about my work is more the juggling of many different projects and finding time for creating everything I imagine. I sometimes think that my passion for the job is a problem for me because that makes it hard to focus on different things than work. Working from home has actually helped me having a better work-life-balance, because that way I simply have more time to be with my family and thus forget work completely.

What do you enjoy doing besides working?

I love playing with my kids, that’s how I usually spend my evenings. I also enjoy gaming and going for walks.

Do you have a book or a movie that you really like and want to recommend?

I love a movie called “One billion dollar code”. My favourite book of all time is "World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War". 

Is there something you’d really want to learn one day?

I don’t have a specific thing I absolutely want to accomplish, just some dreams. I’d like to go scubadiving for example, but that’s almost impossible because of my hearing problems. And maybe one day I’d like to speak German fluently.